Sounds Like A Good Time

Sophie Cournoyer (CAN) - 2 April 2021
Sounds Like A Good Time - Payton Smith

Intro : 32 counts

[1-8] Right Heel Tap (X2), Left Heel Tap (X2), Heel Switches, Step Pivot ½ Turn
1-2Step right toes forward and tap right heel 2 times on the floor, dropping weight on it the second time
3-4Step left toes forward and tap left heel 2 times on the floor, dropping weight on it the second time
*Restart here on wall 4.
5&6Dig right heel forward (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Dig left heel forward (6)
&7-8Step LF net to RF (&), Step RF forward (7), Pivot ½ turn left (8)

[9-16] Step, Touch, Step, Scuff, Side, Behind Side Cross, Side
1-2Step RF forward slightly diagonally (1), Touch left toes next to RF (2)
3-4Step LF forward slightly diagonally (3), Rub the floor with right heel (4)
5Step RF to right side (5)
6&7-8Step LF behind RF (6), Step RF to right side (&), Cross LF over RF (7), Step RF to right side (8)

[17-24] Shuffle Back (X2), Coaster step, Step Pivot ½ Turn
1&2Step back LF (1), Step back RF next to LF (&), Step back LF (2)
3&4Step back RF (3), Step back LF next to RF (&), Step back RF (4)
5&6Step back LF (5), Step back RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (6)
7-8Step RF forward (7), Pivot ½ turn left (8)

[25-32] Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, Back ¼ Turn, Step ¼ Turn, Shuffle Forward
1-2Step RF to right side (1), Recover on LF (2)
3&4Cross RF over LF (3), Step LF to left side (&), Cross RF over LF (4)
5-6¼ turn right stepping back LF (5), ¼ turn right stepping RF forward (6)
7&8Step LF forward (7), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (8)

My thanks to Daniel Horth for the musical suggestion.
For more informations :

Last Update - 11 April 2021