The Korea Island

Moonhyang Bae (KOR) - July 2021
Dokdo is Korea Land (독도는 우리 땅) - GoGoDokdo! (독도플래시몹)

No Tog No Restart

(S 1): Right Heel Switch (twice ) Charleston Step
1. 2RF, step Diagonal, heel touch &back, touch
3. 4RF, step Diagonal, heel touch &back, touch
5. 6RF, step forward LF, forward, kick
7. 8LF, step back RF, step back, toe touch

(S 2) : Right, Full turn 1/4& 1/2turn Left, Full, turn 1/4& 1/2turn
1. 2RF, step right 1/4 turn LF, step 1/2 turn
3. 4RF, step side LF, step side point
5. 6LF, left 1/4 turn RF, step 1/2 turn
7. 8LF, step side RF, step touch

(S 3): Diagonal, Forward Kick Diagonal, Back Flick
1. 2RF, step side LF, step forward, right diagonally kick
3. 4LF, step side RF, step forward, left diagonally kick
5. 6RF, step side LF, step back, right, diagonally flick
7. 8LF, step side RF, step back, left, diagonally flick

(S 4): Right, Vine 1/4Turn Brush, Heel Switch, Stomp.
1. 2RF, step side LF, step behind
3. 4RF, step Right, 1/4 turn LF, forward, step brush
5. 6LF, step forward, step heel touch& touch
7. 8LF, step back RF, step side stomp step together
(7,8) With The right fist hit the left chest