Moo La Moo for Two (P)

Andrea Kiebler (USA) & Rene Kiebler (USA) - October 2021
Moo la Moo - Steve Azar

Intro: 32 counts
Start: Sweetheart Position, facing FLOD, men inside, ladies outside, same footwork except where noted.

Walk Right, Left, Right Kickball Change, Walk Right, Left, Right Kickball Change
1-2Walk right, walk left
3&4Kick right, step right ball in place, step forward left
5-6Walk right, walk left
7&8Kick right, step right ball in place, step forward left

Cross Point, Cross Point, ¼ Turn Right Jazz Box, Cross
1-2Cross right over left, point left to left side
3-4Cross left over right, point right to right side
5-8Cross right over left, step left back ¼ turn right (facing OLD), step right to right side,cross left over right

Side Shuffle Right, Rock Back Recover, Ladies ¾ Turn, Men ¼ Turn Walk, Walk, Left Shuffle
1&2Right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
3-4Rock left behind right, recover right
5-6LADY ¼ turn right stepping left back to RLOD, ½ turn right stepping right to FLOD
5-6MAN Step left ¼ turn left to FLOD, step right forward
7&8Step left forward, step right forward step left forward

Step Diagonal Forward, Touch, Out In, Step Diagonal Forward, Touch, Out In
1-2Step right forward on right diagonal, touch left toe next to right
3-4Touch left toe out to left side, touch left toe next to right
5-6Step left forward on left diagonal, touch right toe next to left
7-8Touch right toe out to right side, touch right toe next to left foot

Tag: At end of 6th rotation of dance, repeat last 8 counts of dance. Doing this will keep partners in sync with line dancers

