If You Just Smile

Georgie Mygrant (USA) - 3 December 2021
Smile - Rod Stewart

Intro: 16

Basic touch Fwd. Vine R, Basic touch Fwd. Vine L
1-4Step R fwd. touch L to R, Step L back, touch R to L
5-8Step R, L behind R, step R, touch L to R
1-4Step L fwd. touch R to L, Step R back, touch L to R
5-8Step L, R behind L, step L, touch R to L

Step R Back, Kick L
1-4Step R back, Kick L fwd. Step back on L, Step on R
5-8Step L back, Kick R fwd. Step back on R, step on L

Modified Box Step with ¼ turn L
1-4Step R side, step L to R, Step R Fwd., touch L to R
5-8Step L side, step R to L turning ¼ on L, Step L, touch R to L

No Tags. There's a pause at the end. Just stop and then continue on to the end. Please contact me if you have any problems with it. mygeo@adamswells.com

"Happy 83rd. birthday to Me"