Irish Heave Away

High Beginner / improver
Helaine Norman (USA) - February 2022
Heave Away - The Fables

Intro: Vocal - 1 Tag: End wall 2

I. Kick Ball Change X2; Rock Forward, Recover, Back Coaster
1&2Kick R forward, step on R ball, step together
3&4Kick R forward, step on R ball, step together
5-6Rock R forward, recover to L
7&8Step R back, step L together, step R forward

II. Repeat Section I. on Left Side

III. Triple ½ L Turn, Rock Back, Recover; Triple ¼ R Turn, Rock Back, Recover
1&2Step R Forward making ¼ turn left (9:00), step L together, step R together making ¼ turn left (6:00)
3-4Rock L back, recover to R
5&6Step L side making ¼ right (9:00), step R together, step L side
7-8Rock R back, recover to L

IV. Heel Switches, Pivot ½ L Turn; Sailor X2
1&2&Touch R heel forward, step R together, touch L heel forward, step L together
3-4Step R forward making pivot 1/2 turn left, weight to L (3:00)
5&6Step R behind, step L side, step R side
7&8Step L behind, step R side, step L side


TAG: Kick Ball Change X2; Rocking Chair
1&2Kick R forward, step on R ball, step together
3&4Kick R forward, step on R ball, step together
5-6Rock R forward, recover to L
7-8Rock R back, recover to L
Facing 6:00 at end of wall 2.


Last Update: 3 Mar 2024