Wild Wild Web

Low Intermediate
Janet (Zhen Zhen) Ge (CN) - April 2022
Wild Wild Web - John The Whistler

Sequence: 64, 48, 64, 48, 64, 16, 32, Tag, 48, 64, 32, Ending

Intro: 16 Counts

Section 1: Fwd x2, Kick Ball Point, Point x2, 1/4 Turn Sailor Step
12Step right forward, step left forward
3&4Kick right forward, step ball of right in place, point left to side
56Point left forward, point left to side
7&81/4 Turn L stepping left back, step right next to left, step left forward (9:00)

Section 2: 1/4 Pivot Turn, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, Sailor Cross
12Step right forward, 1/4 pivot turn L (6:00)
3&4Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right over left
56Rock left to side, recover on right
7&8Step left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right (**Restart )

Section 3: 1/4 Turn Back, 1/4 Turn Side, Point, 1/4 Turn In Place, 1/4 Turn Point, 1/4 Turn In Place, 1/2 Pivot Turn
121/4 Turn L stepping right back (3:00), 1/4 turn L stepping left to side (12:00)
34Point right to side, 1/4 turn R stepping right in place (3:00)
561/4 Turn R point left to side (6:00), 1/4 turn L stepping left in place (3:00)
78Step right forward, 1/2 pivot turn L (9:00)

Section 4: Rocking Chair, Full Turn, 1/4 Pivot Turn
1234Rock right forward, recover on left, rock right back, recover on left
561/2 Turn L stepping right back, 1/2 turn L stepping left forward (9:00)
78Step right forward, 1/4 pivot turn L (6:00) (***Restart )

Section 5: Cross Rock, Side Rock, Sailor Cross, Rock
1234Cross rock right over left, recover on left, rock right to side, recover on left
5&6Step right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
78Rock left to side, recover on right

Section 6: Cross Rock, Side Rock, Sailor Cross, 1/4 Turn Rock
1234Cross rock left over right, recover on right, rock left to side, recover on right
5&6Step left behind left, step right to side, cross left over right
78Rock right to side, 1/4 turn L recovering on left (3:00) (*Restart )

Section7: Samba Step x2, Fwd, Touch, Back Shuffle,
1&2Cross right over left, rock left to side, recover on right
3&4Cross left over right, rock right to side, recover on left
56Step right forward, touch left behind right
7&8Step left back, step right next to left, step left back

Section 8: Back Rock, Fwd, 1/4 Turn Heel Twist, 1/4 Turn Heel Twist, Coaster Step, 1/4 Pivot Turn
1 2Rock right back, recover on left
3&4Step right forward, 1/4 turn L twist left heel towards R (12:00), 1/4 turn L twist right heel out (9:00)
5&6Step left back, step right together, step left forward
7 8Step right forward, 1/4 pivot turn L (6:00)

Tag: 4 Counts
1-4Cross Rock, Side Rock
1234Cross rock right over left, recover on left, rock right to side, recover on left

*Restart: During Wall 2、Wall 4 & Wall 8, dance to section 6.
**Restart: During Wall 6, dance to section 2.
***Restart: During Wall 7 & Wall 10, dance to section 4.

Ending: After section 4 of wall 10, facing to 3:00, step right forward, 1/4 turn L weight on left facing 12:00, than step right forward & pose!

Have Fun!

Contact Email: 93806188@qq.com