Jatuh Cinta

High Beginner
Budi Satrio (INA) & Ria Lolong (INA) - May 2022
Jatuh Cinta - Ningrats

START on vocals ‘Kau’
RESTART on wall 5 after 16 counts (Facing 12:00)
TAG 8 counts after wall 7 (Starting from facing 6:00 ending to facing 12:00)

Sect 1: Syncopated Sailor Step 2x diagonally fwd, Rock fwd, Recover, Step lock step
1 – 2RF step diagonally fwd (1), LF cross behind (2)
&3&4RF step side (&), LF step diagonally fwd (3), RF cross behind (&), LF step diagonally fwd (4)
5-6Rock fwd with RF (5), Replace weight back to LF (6)
7&8Step back on RF (7), lock step LF in front of RF (&), step back on RF (8) 12:00

Sect 2: Step Lock Step, Monterey ¼ turn right, Heel Together 2 Times, ¼ Pivot left
1&2Step back on LF (1), Lock step RF in front of LF (&) Step back on LF (2)
3&4&Touch right toe to right side (3), turn ¼ right on left ball (&), Touch left toe to left side (4), Step LF in place (&) 3:00
5&6&Touch right heel fwd (5), Step RF in place (&), Touch left heel fwd (6), Step LF in place (&) 3:00
7-8Step RF fwd (7), Pivot ¼ left transferring weight onto LF (8) 12:00
*Restart Here on wall 5 facing 12:00

Sect 3: Vaudeville, Jazz Box Right
1&2&Cross RF over LF (1), Step LF to side (&), Touch RF heel to right side diagonal (2), Step RF beside LF (&)
3&4&Cross LF over RF (3), Step RF to side (&), Touch LF heel to left side diagonal (4), Step LF beside RF (&) 12:00
5-8RF cross over LF (5), Step LF back ¼ turn right (6), Step RF to side (7), Step LF beside RF (8) 3:00

Sect 4: Hip Bumps 2x, ½ Pivot Turn Left Forward 2x
1 – 4Step RF toe fwd (1), Bump hip to the right (2) weight move to RF, Step LF toe fwd (3), Bump hip to the left (4) weight move to LF 3:00
5 – 6Step RF fwd (5), turn ½ left weight change on LF (6) 9:00
7 – 8Step RF fwd (7), turn ½ left weight change on LF (8) 3:00

Begin again! Enjoy the Dance!

*TAG (8 Cts) After Wall 7
Forward Walks, ½ Circle to the right from 6:00 to 12:00
Walk RF (1), LF (2), RF (3), LF (4), Step RF to R side while crossing hands in front of chest simultaneously (5), put Right hand on R shoulder & Left hand to L shoulder at the same time (6), Open & raise both hands above your head palms facing up (7) then lower hands slowly (8) 12:00

Ending: Last Wall starts facing 9:00. Dance through count 8.
7&8side shuffle to the right facing 12:00

Contact email: sandrapal59@gmail.com