Every Time He Drinks

Georgie Mygrant (USA) - July 2022
Every Time He Drinks He Thinks of Her - Willie Nelson & Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real

Intro: 32 counts

Vine R, Scissor, Vine L, Scissor
1-8Step to R, Step L behind R, Step R, Step on L, Step to R, Step on L, Cross R over L and hold
1-8Step to L, Step R behind L, Step on L, Step on R, Step to L, Step on R, Cross L over R and hold.

Drag R Back, Drag L Back, Paddle ¼ L
1-4Step R back diagonally, Step L back diagonally, (4 c’s)
5-8Step R fwd. turning 1/8 on L. Step R fwd. turning 1/8 L

Step R Fwd. Back L, Triple Back, Step Back L. Step R Fwd. Triple
1-8Step R fwd. Back on L, Step R/L/R, Step L back, Step R fwd. Step L/R/L

(If you want to make it harder, put in ½ turns on first Step R turn L, and first Step L turn R)

That’s it! A fun easy routine for all. Let me know if you like it!
Please do not alter routine without my permission. Thank You, Georgie. mygeo@adamswells.com