My Bloody Monster Mash

Jo Boocock (NZ) & Bex Roper (NZ) - November 2022
Monster Mash - Bobby Boris Pickett

Jo Boocock “Countess Dracula” & Bex Roper “Killer Bride”.

#16 count intro, start on Lyrics

Rhumba Box
1 2 3 4Step R to right, step L by R, step R fwd, touch L by R
5 6 7 8Step L to left, step R by L, step L back, touch R by L

Walk at angle x 3 with touch, Repeat on Left
1 2 3 4Facing 1:00 walk forward R, L R, touch L by R (with monster arms)
5 6 7 8Facing 11:00 walk forward L, R, L, touch R by L (with monster arms)

Zigzag back with touches x 4
1 2 3 4Step R back (adjust to face 12:00), touch L by R, step L back, touch R by L
5 6 7 8Step R back, touch L by R, step L back, touch R by L

1/8 paddle turn left with twist motion x 4
1 2Touch R to side with hands to left, pivot left 1/8 (10:30) with hands to right
3 4Repeat to (9:00)
5 6Repeat to (7:30)
7 8Repeat to (6:00)

Have fun and let’s see what happens!

Dance edit, email: