Folsam Prison Blues

Lesley Stewart (SCO) - February 2023
Folsom Prison Blues - Johnny Cash

#8 count intro

[1-8] Right Toe heel step, Left toe heel step, Right rocking chair, Step 1/2 step
1&2R toe, heel, step
3&4L toe, heel, step
5&6&Rock forward on R, recover onto L, rock back on R, recover onto L
7&8Step forward on R, pivot 1/2 turn left, step forward on R

[9-16] Left toe heel step, Right toe heel step, Left rocking chair, Step 1/2 turn step
1&2L toe, heel, step
3&4R toe, heel, step
5&6&Rock forward on L, recover onto R, rock back on L, recover onto R
7&8Step forward on L, pivot 1/2 turn right, step forward on L

[17-24] Right rumba forward, Hold, Left rumba back, Hold
1-2Step R to right, step L next to R
3-4Step forward R, hold
5-6Step L to left, step R next to L
7-8Step back on L, hold

[25-32] Walk back, Back, Coaster step, Walk forward, Forward, Left shuffle forward
1-2Walk back R, L
3&4Step back on R, step L next to R, Step R forward
5-6Walk forward L, R
7&8Step L forward, step R next to L, step L forward

[33-40] 2x paddle ½ turns left, Cross rock step, 2x paddle ½ turns R, Cross rock step
1&2&1/4 turn L touching R to right side, 1/4 turn L touching R to right side
3&4Cross rock R over L, recover onto L, step R to right
5&6&1/4 turn R touching L to left side, 1/4 turn R touching L to left side
7&8Cross rock L over R, recover onto R, step L to left

[41-48] Step out, Out, In, In x 2
1-2Step R out to right, Step L out to left
3-4Step R to centre, Step L next to R
5-6Step R out to right, Step L out to left
7-8Step R to centre, Step L next to R

Start Again……………………Happy Dancing……………………..