Japanese Doll (日本娃娃)

Lily Liu (MY) - March 2023
Japanese Doll (日本娃娃) - Sam Hui (許冠傑)

Intro: 32counts
Sequence: AAB A(16)A(28)BA AABBA

(A) (32counts)
Sec 1 Back Rock, Recover, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Fwd, Recover, Shuffle Back
1 2Rock R back, recover on L
3&4Step R fwd, step L next to R, Step R fwd
5 6Rock L fwd, recover on R
7&8Step L back, step R next to L, Step L back

Sec 2 Back Rock, Recover, Chasse (R&L)
1 2Cross R behind L, recover on L
3&4Step R to right, step L next to R, Step R to right
5 6Cross L behind R, recover on R
7&8Step L to left, step R next to L, step L to left
*Restart after A(16) facing 9:00

Sec 3 Rumba box with touch
1-4Step R to right, step L next to R, Step R fwd, touch L beside R
5-8Step L to left, step R next to L, step L back, touch R beside L

Sec 4 (Paddle ¼ left) x2, Butt roll
1-4(Step R fwd, pivot ¼ turn left with hip roll ) x2 (6:00)
**Restart after A(28) facing 3:00
5-8Step R beside L bending knees, palms on thighs with butt roll then straighten up
(option : Body roll)

(B) (32 counts)
Sec 1 Step Lock Shuffle Diagonal R & L
1 2Step R diagonal fwd , lock L behind R (1:30)
3&4Step R fwd, step L beside R, step R fwd
5 6Step L diagonal fwd, lock R behind L (10:30)
7&8Step L fwd, step R beside L, step L fwd

Sec 2 Back touches, Out, Out, In ,In
1-4Step R back, touch L beside R, step L back, touch R beside L (12:00)
5-8Step R diagonal out, step L diagonal out, step R back to centre, step L beside R

Sec 3 Sway x4, Side Touches
1-4sway hips RLRL
5-8Step R to right rolling hip fr L to R, touch L , step L to left rolling hip fr R to L, touch R

Sec 4 Press , ¼ left flick, walk x2, Side, Together, Twist
1 2Press R to right, ¼ turn left recover on L flicking R back ( 9:00)
3 4Walk fwd on R, L
5 6Big step R to right, step L beside R
7&8Twist heels L,R, L

Last Update - 9 Mar 2023