Burning Love Contra

Gwen Walker (USA) - March 2023
Burning Love - Elvis Presley

#16 count intro - No Tags or Restarts

Contra: two line facing each other, off-set to pass on first 8 counts of dance.

[1-8] Lock steps forward with brush R , L
1-4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush L.
5-8Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, brush R.
(*contra lines pass each other here*)

[9-16] Step hold, ½ turn hold,(6:00) V step 6:00
1-4Step R forward, hold, turn ½ left, hold weigh on L
5-8Step R out forward, step L out forward, step R back in, step L in beside R

[17-24] Vine R with brush, Vine L with brush
1-4Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to side, brush L beside R
5-8Step L to left side, step R behind L, step L to side, brush R beside L
(* option: may do rolling vines on both or one for fun*)

[25-32] Forward R-L hold, back R-L hold, rocking chair
&1 2Step forward R, L hold-Clap
&3 4Step back R, L hold-Clap
5-8Rock forward on R recover L, rock back on R recover L

Have fun

Dance from the heart with JOY!!!!

Gwen Walker: gkwdance@gmail.com