Dance With Everybody, Who Came Through That Door?

Gavin Preedy (UK) - June 2023
Dance With Everybody - Nathan Carter

Intro: 16 Count (Approx 8 Secs) – No Restarts, or Tags

Section 1: Two Right Kick Forward, Stomp in Place, Two Left Kick Forward, Stomp in Place
1 – 2Kick Right Foot Forward, Kick Right Foot Forward
3 & 4Stomp in Place Right, Left, Right
5 – 6Kick Left Foot Forward, Kick Left Foot Forward
7 & 8Stomp in Place Left, Right, Left

Section 2: Step ¼ Pivot, Step ¼ Pivot, Right Jazz Box, Cross
1 – 2Step Forward on Your Right Foot, Pivot a ¼ Turn to the Left (9:00)
3 - 4Step Forward on Your Right Foot, Pivot a ¼ to the Left (6:00)
5 – 6Cross Right Foot Over Left Foot, Step Back on Your Left Foot
7 - 8Step Right Foot to the Right Side, Cross Left Foot Over Right

Section 3: Right Grapevine, Touch, Left Grapevine ¼ Turn, Touch
1 – 2Step Right Foot to the Right Side, Step Left Foot Behind Right
3 – 4Step Right Foot to the Right Side, Touch Left Foot Next to Right
5 – 6Step Left Foot to the Left Side, Cross Right Foot Behind Left
7 – 8Step Left Foot a ¼ turn (3.00), Touch Right Foot Next to Left Foot

Section 4: Right Rocking Chair, Right Jazz Box
1 – 2Rock Forward onto Right Foot, Recover Weight back onto Left Foot
3 – 4Rock back onto Right Foot, Recover Weight back onto Left Foot
5 – 6Cross Right Foot Over Left Foot, Step Back on Your Left Foot
7 – 8Step Right Foot to the Right Side, Step Forward Slightly on Your Left Foot

At approximately 2:59 seconds music sounds like it will finish but it continues for extra 27 seconds, so keep dancing.

Happy Dancing