Shake It Off 2023

Swany (INA) & Lim Riky (INA) - July 2023
Shake It Off - Taylor Swift

Intro – 16 counts, Start at 6"
Tag (8 count) at the end of Wall 13 (3:00)

Diagonal Forward, Touch, Side Point, Touch
1 - 2 - 3 - 4Step RF forward, Touch LF beside RF, Point LF to left, Touch LF beside RF.
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step LF diagonal forward, Touch RF beside LF, Point RF to right, Touch RF beside LF.

Move Backwards, Monterey ¼ Turn right
1 - 2 - 3 - 4Step RF back, Step LF back, Step RF back, Step LF back.
5- 6 - 7 - 8Point RF to right, Close RF together while ¼ turn right, Point LF to left, Close LF together. (3:00)

½ Turn Left, ½ Turn Right, R - L Cumbia
1 - 2 - 3 - 4Step RF ½ turn left (9:00), Recover on LF, Step RF 1/4 turn right, Step LF 1/4 turn right. (3:00)
5 & 6Step RF behind LF, Recover on LF, Step RF to right.
7 & 8Step LF behind RF, Recover on RF, PStep LF to left.

Twist to Right, Flick, Twist to Left, Flick
1 - 2 - 3 - 4Swivel heels to right, Swivel toes to right, Swivel heels to right, Flick LF to right
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Swivel heels to left, Swivel toes to left, Swivel heels to left, Flick RF to left.

Tag (8 count) at the end of Wall 13 (3:00) same as section 4
1 - 2 - 3 - 4Swivel heels to right, Swivel toes to right, Swivel heels to right, Flick LF to right
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Swivel heels to left, Swivel toes to left, Swivel heels to left, Flick RF to left.

Have Fun and Enjoy

Last Update: 8 Jul 2023