Work Boots

Norman Gifford (USA) - October 2023
Work Boots - Cody Johnson

Front-rock, side-rock, behind-side-forward, rock-step, modified sailor-step
1&2&Right rock forward; left replace; right rock side; left replace
3&4Right behind; left step side; right step forward
5-6Left rock forward; right replace back while sweeping left behind
7&8Left step back; right together; left step forward *R*

Step forward, tap, step back, kick, coaster-step, rock-step, triple-step turning ½ left
1&2&Right step forward; left toe tap behind right; left step back; right kick forward
3&4Right step back; left together; right step forward
5-6Left rock forward; right replace
7&8Triple-step turn ½ left (LRL) [6:00] *B*

Crossvine right, scissor-step, crossvine left , scissor-step
1&2&Right step side; left behind; right step side; left crossover
3&4Right step side; left step back; right crossover
5&6&Left step side; right behind; left step side; right crossover
7&8Left step side; right step back; left crossover

Lock-steps forward, V-step
1&2Right step forward; left lock behind; right step forward
3&4Left step forward; right lock behind; left step forward
5-6Right step diagonal; left step side
7-8Right return center; left together


*R* RESTART: Done only in wall #3 (you will be facing 12:00)

*B* BRIDGE: Done in the middle of wall #6 (you will be facing 6:00)

1-4Right crossover; left step back; right step side; left crossover

All rights reserved, October 2023. This step sheet is not authorized for publication on Kickit. If you have a script of this dance with the Kickit logo it should be destroyed, because it has been posted without permission or proper credit, and may have been altered without my knowledge or consent. Contact: Norman Gifford at: