Double Life

Hiroko Carlsson (AUS) - November 2023
Double Life - Cold War Kids : (Apple Music/Deezer/Spotify)

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (
(Dance starts on the word “2006”)

[S1] Dip-Heel-Dip-Heel, Walk Fwd, Kick
1 2Step R to side (dip), Touch L heel slightly forward
3 4Step L to side (dip), Touch R heel slightly forward
5 6 7Walk forward on R-L-R
8Kick forward on L

[S2] Dip-Heel-Dip-Heel, Walk Back, Touch
1 2Step L to side (dip), Touch R heel slightly forward
3 4Step R to side (dip), Touch L heel slightly forward
5 6 7Walk back on L-R-L
8Touch R beside L

[S3] Back Rock, Step-Pivot 1/4L, Fwd Rock, Touch-Unwind 1/2R
1 2Rock back on R, Replace weight on L
3 4Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L (9:00)
5 6Rock forward on R, Replace weight on L
7 8Touch back on R, Unwind ½ turn right recover weight on R (3:00)

[S4] Step-Pivot 1/4R, Extended Weave R, 1/4L Ball Turn w/ Hitch
1 2Step forward on L, Make a ¼ turn right recover weight on R (6:00)
3 4Cross L over R, Step R to the side
5 6 7Step L behind R, Step R to the side, Cross L over R
8Make a ¼ turn on ball of L foot/hitch R knee (3:00)

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(updated: 8/Nov/23)