Midnight Queen

High Beginner
Casey Nutter (USA) - November 2023
Midnight Queen - Nickelback

Intro: 16 counts - Weight starts on left

[1-8] Grapevine right, touch left, grapevine left, scuff
1-2-3-4Step right to right side (1), step left behind right (2), step right to right side (3), touch left beside right (4)
5-6-7-8Step left to left side (5), step right behind left (6), step left to left side (7), scuff right heel turning over left shoulder facing 9:00 leaving right foot elevated (8)
*Both grapevines can be substituted with rolling vines*

[9-16] Back steps, step, stomp, step, scuff turn
1-2-3-4Step right foot back (1), step left foot back (2), step right foot back (3), step left foot beside right (4)
5-6-7-8Step forward on left (5), stomp right beside left (6), step forward on left (7), scuff right heel turning over left shoulder facing 6:00 (8)
*Restart dance after 16 counts on wall 5**

[17-24] Grapevine right, swivel left, jump
1-2-3-4Step right foot to right side (1), step left behind right (2), step right foot to right side (3), touch left beside right (4)
5-6-7-8Bending knees: swivel heels to left with knees pointing to right (5), swivel toes pointing left and knees pointing right (6), swivel heels to left with knees pointing to right (7), jump and turn over left shoulder to face 3:00 (8)

[25-32] Hip roll, hip roll, kick ball change, heel split
1-2-3-4Hip roll to right (1-2) hip roll to right (3-4)
5&6Kick right foot forward (5) and replace (&), step left beside right (6)
7-8Split heels out (7), heels in (8)