Dance Around the Fire

Beginner / Improver
Laurie Armstrong (USA) - December 2023
OLD COUNTRY BARN - James Johnston

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Note: After I taught Around the Fire by Kate Sala, Chrystal Durand, Darren Bailey & Guillaume Richard to my intermediate dancers I wanted my beginners to be able to dance to this great track also. So, here’s what I came up with. I “borrowed” the first 1&2& steps from Around the Fire because they fit so well but that’s where the similarity ends. Hope you’ll give it a try.

[1-8] Out & Clap x 2, Shuffle Steps Back x 2, Rock Recover
1&2&Step RF out diagonally(1) Clap your hands(&), Step LF out diagonally(2), Clap your hands(&)
3&4Shuffle back, Stepping RLR
5&6Shuffle back, Stepping LRL
7-8Rock back on the R, Step(recover) on to the L

[9-16] Shuffle Right, Rock Recover(Lindy Right), Shuffle Left, Rock Recover(Lindy Left)
1&2Shuffle to the R stepping RLR
3-4Rock LF slightly back behind R, Step(recover) on to R
5&6Shuffle to the L stepping LRL
7-8Rock RF slightly back behind L, Step(recover) on to L

[17-24] Shuffle Steps Forward x 2, Jazz Box ¼ turn Right with a cross
1&2Shuffle forward stepping RLR
3&4Shuffle forward stepping LRL
5-8Step RF forward, Step back on L turning ⅛ R, Step side R turning ⅛ R, Step L forward slightly in front of R

[25-32] Toe Heel Step(Sugar Foot) x2, Pivot Full Turn
1&2Touch R toe next to L instep, Touch R heel next to L instep, Step R (slightly forward)
3&4Touch L toe next to R instep, Touch L heel next to R instep, Step L (slightly forward)
5-6Step R turn left ½, Step L
7-8Step R turn left ½, Step L

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