
Diana Liang (CN) - January 2024
Sooner - Andrew Allen

S1: Kick Tog., Side Point Tog., Skate RLRL
1-2kick Rf forward, step Rf next to Lf
3-4point Lf to L side, step Lf next to Rf
5-6small slide Rf to R diagonal forward, small slide Lf to L diagonal
7-8= 5-6

S2: Cross Rock, 1/4R Forward, Forward, 1/4L Pivot x 2
1-2cross rock Rf over Lf, recover to Lf
3-4turn 1/4 to R stepping Rf forward, 3H, step Lf forward
5-6step Rf forward, turn 1/4 pivot to L recovering to Lf, 12H
7-8=5-6, 9H
Optional Hips Roll Anti-Clockwise on 5-6 and 7-8
Restart Here during W4, facing 12H
Ends here during W13, after changing the counts of 7-8 to: cross Rf over Lf, point Lf to L side

S3: Forward RL, Shuffle Forward, Rock Forward, 1/2L Sailor Forward
1-2step Rf forward, step Lf forward
3&4step Rf forward, step Lf next to Rf, step Rf forward
5-6rock Lf forward, recover to Rf
7&8turn 1/4L stepping Lf ball behind Rf, 6H, turn 1/4L stepping Rf in place, 3H, step Lf forward

S4: Kick Ball Cross x 2, 1/2R Monterey
1&2kick Rf forward diagonally, step Rf next to Lf, Cross Lf over Rf
3&4= 1&2
5-6point Rf to R side, step Rf next to Lf turning 1/2 to R, 9H
7-8point Lf to L side, step Lf next to Rf

Thanks and happy dancing!


Last Update: 13 Jan 2024