I'm Drunk

High Beginner
Beverly Serafin (USA) - April 2022
Drunk (And I Don't Wanna Go Home) - Elle King & Miranda Lambert

Drums – Begin on lyrics. 1 tag

Walk-Walk, Step-Lock-Step, Walk-Walk, Step-Lock-Step
1-2walk R, L
3&4step-lock-step forward (RLR)
5-6walk L, R
7&8step-lock-step forward (LRL)

Rock/Recover, ¼ turn Shuffle right, ½ turn pivot, Shuffle forward
1-2rock R forward, recover L
3&4¼ turn right shuffling to side
5-6step forward on L, pivot ½ turn to 9:00 wall
7&8shuffle forward (LRL)

¼ turn Pivot, Triple in place, Rock/Recover, Coaster step
1-2step R forward, pivot ¼ turn left to 6:00 wall
3&4triple in place (RLR)
5-6rock L forward, recover R
7&8coaster step (LRL)

Pony 2X, Rocking Chair
1&2pony (RLR): step on R, bouncing weight on Lt ball with knee bent, step on R
3&4pony (LRL): step on L, bouncing weight on RT ball with knee bent, step on L
5-8rocking chair (lead with R forward)

TAG: at end of 5th sequence facing 6:00 (drums)
Cross-Rock, Triple in place, Cross-Rock, Triple in place
1-2cross R over L, recover L
3&4triple in place (RLR)
5-6cross L over R, recover R
7&8triple in place (LRL)