The Key

Errol Colomb (UK)
The Key To Life - Vince Gill

1-2Rock forward on right, rock back on left
3&4(Traveling back) make a full turn right stepping right-left-right, (ending right leg back)
5-6Step left back, step right beside left
7&8Kick left foot across right, step on ball of left beside right, change weight to right
1-2Step left forward, step right forward,
3&4Step left forward, lock-step right behind left, step left forward
5-6Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left (transfer weight onto left)
7&8Cross right in front of left, step left to left, cross right in front of left
1-2Point and tap left toe to left side, point and tap left toe forward
3Step left beside right making a ¼ turn left
&Step right beside left making a ¼ turn left
4Step left beside right
5-6Point and tap right toe to right side, point and tap right toe forward
7Step right beside left making a ¼ turn right
&Step left beside right making a ¼ turn right
8Step right beside left,
1-2Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right (transfer weight onto right)
3&4Step left forward, lock-step right behind left, step left forward
5-6Rock step right to right side (with hip swaying to side), rock back onto left
7&8Kick right foot across left, step on ball of right beside left, change weight to left


On the sixth wall do the first 16 beats as above then add:

1Step left to left side

2Hold for one beat
Then restart dance.