Let's Go Girls

Trent Duncan (AUS)
Man! I Feel Like a Woman! - Shania Twain

1-3&4Step forward left, rock back right, coaster step left-right-left
5-7&8Step forward right, rock back left, coaster step right-left-right
9-10Step slightly forward left and across right, rock back right
11-12Step back left and slightly turn body back 45 degrees, rock forward right
13-14Step slightly forward left and across right, rock back right
15&16Shuffle left-right-left to left side
17-24Repeat counts 9-16 on the opposite foot and side
25-28Step left behind right, right to right side, step left over right, point right toe to right side, and click fingers
29-34Step forward right, touch left heel forward and click fingers, step back left, touch right toe back and click fingers, step right forward, touch left toe behind right foot and click fingers
35-38Step back left, turning ½ turn right, step forward right, step forward left, touch right toe behind left foot and click fingers
39-40Step forward right, bend right arm so that your hand is at shoulder height, pivot ¼ turn left, push ram downwards like you are using a stick to push yourself around
41-42Step forward right, bend right arm so that your hand is at shoulder height, pivot ¼ turn left, push ram downwards like you are using a stick to push yourself around
43-44Shuffle right-left-right crossing right over left
45-50Step left to left side turning ¼ turn right, step back right turning ½ turn right, shuffle forward left-right-left, step forward right, rock back left
&51&52Step back right, touch left heel forward, step back left, touch right heel forward
&53&54Step back right, touch left heel forward, step back left, touch right heel forward
&55&56Hop back on left, touch right toe back, hop back on left, touch right toe back
57-58Cross right over left, unwind legs ½ turn left
59-62Right sailor step moving slightly forward, left sailor step moving slightly forward
63-64Step forward right, scuff left forward