Brenda Nuttall (UK)
Get the Truck Loaded - Rednex
STOMP KICK SAILOR STEPS (TWICE)1-2Stomp right foot next to left and kick forward at 45 o angle3&4Step right behind left, step weight left, step right to side5-6Stomp left foot next to right and kick forward at 45 o angle7&8Step left behind right, step weight right, step left to sideSIDE SHUFFLE FULL TURN (TWICE)9&10Step right foot to side, bring left next to it and step right to side11-12Cross left over right and unwind a full turn right13&14Step right foot to side, bring left next to it and step right to side15-16Cross left over right and unwind a full turn rightSIDE SHUFFLE WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT, TWIST TURN17&18Step right foot to side, bring left next to right, step right ¼ turn right19-20Twist heels ¼ right and then ½ leftLOCK STEP BACK (RIGHT & LEFT)21&22Step back right, lock left in front of right, step back right23&24Step back left, lock right in front of left, step back leftROCK AND CROSS (X3), ¼ TURN RONDE25&26Rock weight out to right and cross right in front of left27&28Rock weight out to left and cross left in front of right29&30Rock weight out to right and cross right in front of left31-32Sweep right leg and ¼ turn left touch right next to left, (keep weight on left)RIGHT SHUFFLE FORWARD, STOMP KICK, LEFT LOCKS BACK33&34Shuffle forward right, left, right35-36Stomp left next to right and kick forward37&38Step back on left, lock right in front of left&39&40&Step back on left, lock right in front of left, step back on left, lock right in front of left, touch right next to leftROLLING VINE RIGHT, TOUCH, SYNCOPATED WEAVE LEFT41-44Full-turn right stepping on right, left, right, touch left next to right&45&46&47&48Step left to side, cross right in front, step left to side, step right behind, step left to side1 ¼ WALKING TURN RIGHT49-52Step right ¼ turn right, step left ¼ turn right, step right ½ turn right, step left ¼ turn rightREPEATRESTART On wall 3 leave out steps 49-52