Love's Around
John "Grrowler" Rowell (UK)
Look Up Look Down - Brødrene Olsen
The 8 count intro is counted from start of drums, start on vocals (16 secs) Dedicated to my wife, Maureen. Without her, this wouldn't have happened.OUT-OUT, HEEL BOUNCE X 3, IN-IN, HEEL BOUNCE X 3&1Step right to right, step left to left (feet shoulder width apart, optional look up)2-4Bounce on heels for 3 counts&5Step right to center, step left to center (feet together, optional look down)6-8Bounce on heels for 3 countsROCK-RECOVER, FULL TRIPLE TURN, ROCK-RECOVER, LEFT COASTER9-10Rock forward right, recover weight onto left11&12Full turn right in place, stepping right, left, right13-14Rock forward left, recover weight onto right15&16Step back left, step right next to left, step forward leftCROSS ROCK-RECOVER, CHASSE RIGHT, CROSS ROCK-RECOVER, CHASSE LEFT17-18Cross rock right in front of left, recover weight onto left19&20Step right to right, step left to right, step right to right21-22Cross rock left in front of right, recover weight onto right23&24Step left to left, step right to left, step left to leftCROSS-UNWIND, CROSS SHUFFLE, QUARTER ROCK-RECOVER, HALF TURN SHUFFLE25-26Cross right in front of left, unwind half turn left27&28Cross right in front of left, step left to left, cross right in front of left29-30Rock left a quarter turn left, recover weight onto right (facing 3 o' clock wall)31&32Half turn shuffle turning left, stepping left, right, leftRIGHT KICK BALL CHANGE, ROCK-RECOVER, CROSS SHUFFLE, ROCK-RECOVER33&34Kick right to left diagonal, step right in place, step left in place35-36Rock right to right, recover weight onto left37&38Cross right in front of left, step left to left, cross right in front of left39-40Rock left to left, recover weight onto rightLEFT KICK BALL CHANGE, CROSS SHUFFLE, ROCK-RECOVER, QUARTER TURN SAILOR STEP41&42Kick left to right diagonal, step left in place, step right in place43&44Cross left in front of right, step right to right, cross left in front of right45-46Rock right to right, recover weight onto left47&48Step right behind left making quarter turn right, step left in place, step right in place(VAUDEVILLES) CROSS-STEP, BEHIND & HEEL, & CROSS-STEP, BEHIND & HEEL49-50Step left across front of right, step right to right51&52Step left behind right, step right next to left, extend left heel on left forward diagonal&53-54Step left in place, cross right in front of left, step left to left55&56Cross right behind left, step left to left, extend right heel on right forward diagonal& CROSS, HOLD, & CROSS, HOLD, LONG-STEP, SLIDE&57-58Step right in place, cross left in front of right, hold&59-60Step right to right, cross left in front of right, hold61Long step right to right62-64Slide left next to right over 3 countsONE AND A QUARTER TURN, TOUCH, STEP-PIVOT, STEP-HOLD65-66Step left a quarter turn left, on ball of left turn a half turn left stepping back right67-68On ball of right turn a half turn left stepping forward left, touch right next to left69-70Step forward right, pivot a half turn left71-72Step right next to left, holdLEFT SCISSOR STEP, ROCK-TURN-RECOVER, STEP-HOLD73-74Step left to left, step right next to left75-76Step left across front of right, hold77-78Rock right to right, recover weight onto left making a quarter turn left79-80Step right next to left, holdREPEATRESTART On second repetition only, start again after count 64TAG Danced once after fourth repetition only CHASSE LEFT, ROCK BACK-RECOVER, CHASSE RIGHT, ROCK BACK-RECOVER1&2Step left to left, step right to left, step left to left3-4Rock back on right, recover weight onto left5&6Step right to right, step left to right, step right to right7-8Rock back on left, recover weight onto rightTURN-POINT, TURN-POINT, TURN-POINT, TURN-STEP9-10Step left a quarter turn left, point right to right (9:00)11-12Cross right in front of left turning a quarter left, point left to left (6:00)13-14Cross left in front of right turning a quarter left, point right to right (3:00)15-16Cross right in front of left turning a quarter left, step left next to right (12:00)