Melbourne Weather

Intermediate / Advanced
Leoni "Lone Ranger" Dettmann (AUS)
She's Every Woman - Garth Brooks

1Slide back left and kick right
2-3Rock back right, rock forward left
4Tap right to left while turning 1/8 left
5-6Step right to side, left behind while turning ¼ right
7Step right
8Step left to side
9Right behind left, turn 1/8 turn left (facing original wall)
10Step left
11Tap right to left
12-13-14Jump both feet out, kick left to side, bend left behind
15-18Turn full turn to the left, making four ¼ turns (left, right, left, right)
19-20Left heel in front, snap left toes down
21-22Rock forward on right heel, rock back left
23-24Hitch right, hold
25-26With head turned to look over left shoulder, push off on right heel in front and lift left, step back on left and lift right, traveling backwards
27-32Repeat steps 25-26 three more times
33-34Looking forward again, step right to left, hold
35Slide both feet back
36-37Step forward right, left
38Slide both feet back
39-40Step right, hold
41-42Step left, hold

43-46Step right out, left behind, full turn to right on right, step left, weight on left
47-50Repeat steps 43-46
51-52Point right in front, point right to side
&53Tap right toe, roll from right toe till foot is flat
&54Tap left toe, roll from left toe till foot is flat
&55Turn ¼ to right and wide ball change right, left
&56Narrow ball change right, left
57-59Lift left and spin full turn to right
60Stomp left
&61-62Touch right toes to side with toes inward, right toe dig and step left to right, hold; weight on left
&63-64Touch right toes to side with toes inward, right toe dig and step left to right, hold