Millie's Tip

Carl Sullivan (AUS)
Millie - Joni Harms

1-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right
5-6Touch left heel forward, hitch left knee & slap with left hand
7-8Touch left heel forward, hitch left knee & slap with left hand
1-4Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left
5-6Touch right heel forward, hitch right knee & slap with right hand
7-8Touch right heel forward, hitch right knee & slap with right hand
1-2Step right forward slightly right of center, touch left beside right with hand clap
3-4Step left forward slightly left of center, touch right beside left with hand clap
5-6Step right forward slightly right of center, touch left beside right with hand clap
7-8Step left forward slightly left of center, touch right beside left with hand clap
1-4Step right back, kick left foot forward, step left back, kick right foot forward
5-8Step right back, kick left foot forward, step left back, kick right foot forward
Option: Roger Rabbits. Scoot back on left while extending right leg back arms extend from elbow in a downward motion on the scoot. Then step down on right while left knee hitches & arms bend up from elbow. Repeat twice more
1-4Rock-step right back, rock forward on left, step right forward, hold
5-8Step left forward, pivot turn ½ turn right onto right, step left forward, hold
1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right
3-4Step right to right side, hitch left knee
5-6Step left to left side, step right behind left
7-8Turning ¼ turn left - step left forward, hitch right knee
1-4Step right forward, pivot turn ½ turn left onto left, step right forward, hold
5-8Rock-step forward on left, rock back on right, step left back, hold
1-4Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward, hold
5-8Rock-step left forward, replace on right, step left beside right, hold


After 2nd repetition, facing back

1-4Rock-step right to right side, replace on left, step right beside left, hold

5-8Rock-step left to left side, replace on right, step left beside right, hold

Vine left & touch right beside left then step right forward, pivot ½ left, step right beside left