My Girl Waltz

Cindy Truelove (AUS)
Saturday Night - Billy Dean

1-3Step left forward, slide right to left taking two counts & ending with right toe pointing to floor
4-6Step right back, slide left to right taking two counts & ending with left toe pointing to floor
7-9Step left forward, slide right to left taking two counts & ending with right toe pointing to floor
10-12Step right back, slide left to right taking two counts & ending with left toe pointing to floor
13-14Step left forward, kick right forward
15Bring right in bending right knee and turn ¼ left by pivoting on ball of left
16-18Step back on right, step on left beside right, step on right
19-24Repeat steps 13-18 as above (now facing back wall)
25-27Cross/step left forward over right, rock back on right at 45 degrees, step left in place
28-30Cross/step right forward over left, rock back on left at 45 degrees, step right in place
31-36Repeat steps 25-30
37-39Cross/step left behind right, rock to the side and slightly back on right, step on left at center
40-42Cross/step right behind left, rock to the side and slightly back on left, step on right at center
43-48Repeat steps 37-42