My Own Silverstar
Kate Valentin (DK)
Silver Threads and Golden Needles - Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton & Tammy Wynette
VINE RIGHT, HITCH, VINE LEFT, HITCH1-2Step to right on right, cross left behind right3-4Step to right on right, hitch left and slap knee with right hand5-6Step to left on left, cross right behind left7-8Step to left on left, hitch right and slap knee with left handDIAGONAL FORWARD LOCK STEPS WITH SCUFF, RIGHT, LEFT1-2Step right diagonally forward, lock left behind3-4Step right diagonally forward, scuff left beside right5-6Step left diagonally forward, lock right behind7-8Step left diagonally forward, scuff right beside leftSTEP, TOUCH, STEP BACK ¼ TURN RIGHT, TOUCH, STEP TOUCHES TWICE1-2Step forward on right, touch left beside right & clap3-4Make ¼ turn right stepping back on left, touch right beside left & clap5-6Step forward on right, touch left beside right & clap7-8Step back on left, touch right beside left & clapTOE STRUTS BACK, RIGHT & LEFT1-2Step back on right toe, drop right heel taking weight3-4Step back on left toe, drop left heel taking weightSCISSOR STEPS, RIGHT & LEFT WITH HOLD1-2Step to right on right, step left beside right3-4Step right across front of left, hold & clap5-6Step to left on left, step right beside left7-8Step left across front of right, hold & clapREPEAT