Rainbow Dance

Joachim "County Line Joe" Gueppner (DE)
Dance Above the Rainbow - Ronan Hardiman

Styling: arms straight downwards, all movements on balls of feet (Irish style)
1-2Brush right, hitch/hook right in front of left with a small hop forward
3&4Cross step right in front of left, recover on left, recover on right
5-6Brush left, hitch/hook left in front of right with a small hop forward
7&8Cross step left in front of right, recover on right, recover on left
9-10Cross step right over left, step back left making ¼ turn right
&11-12Step right on right, cross left over right, step right on right
13-14Cross step left behind right, ½ turn left (weight on left)
15&16Cross step right in front of left, recover on left, recover on right (on balls of feet)
17-18Rock step left to left, recover right
19&20Cross step left over right, step right beside left (keep feet crossed), step left to right (feet crossed)
21-22Step right, left making ½ turn left
23&24Cross step right in front of left, hold and clap twice
25&26Shuffle forward left-right-left
&Make ½ turn left on ball of left
27&28Shuffle back right-left-right
29&30Step back on left, step together with right, step forward on left
31&32Hold, stomp right, left (or hop twice)