Rhumba De Rüdiger

Helen Peachey (UK)
Rüdiger - Mark Knopfler

1-4Step left to left side, close right to left, step left forward and hold
5-8Step right to right side, close left to right, step right forward and hold
9-10Step left back at 45 degrees to left, tap right next to left
11-12Tap right heel forward at 45 degrees to right and then tap right next to left
13-14Step right back at 45 degrees to right, tap left next to right
15-16Tap left heel forward at 45 degrees to left and then tap left next to right
17-20Grapevine left and tap right
21-22Step right to right side with a ¼ turn right, step left to side with a ¼ turn right
23-24Step right behind left, step left out with a ¼ turn left
25-26Step right forward and pivot a ½ turn to left
27-30Shuffle forward right and left
31-32Stomp right, kick left
33-34Cross left over right, step right a medium step backwards
35-36Triple step left-right-left
37-40Grapevine right and tap left
41-44Rolling grapevine with 1 ¼ turns to left