Side Saddle! (P)

Liz Pasch (USA)
Alice - Jimmy Sturr

Position: Promenade position. Man starts on lady's left. Most people just hold inside hands. Some do a little more by holding hands in skaters position
1&2Shuffle forward left-right-left
3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right
5&6Shuffle forward left-right-left
7&8Shuffle forward right-left-right
9-12LADY: Vine left, stomp right foot
 MAN: Steps back on left, at the same time crossing left behind right, right to place left step forward right stomp next to left
On 9-12 man crosses behind the lady so she ends up on his left. Both step back right then left. Shuffle forward toward line of dance twice. (right shuffle, left shuffle). Then ½ turn left and one shuffle toward reverse line of dance.
13Right step back
14Left step back
15-16Shuffle step forward right-left-right
17-18Shuffle step forward left-right-left
19-20Right military turn (step right forward and, keeping weight on both feet, pivot ½ turn to left, then put weight on left)
21-22Shuffle steps right-left-right (forward which is reverse line of dance)
In steps 23-34, steps 9 through 20 are repeated except going toward reverse line of dance. Man crosses behind the lady again.
23-26LADY: Vine left, stomp right foot
 MAN: Step Back on left, at the same time crossing left behind right, right to place left step forward right stomp next to left
27Right step back
28Left step back
29-30Shuffle step forward right-left-right
31-32Shuffle step forward left-right-left
33-34Right military turn
On steps 33 and 34 the ½ turn brings you back to facing line of dance.
35Right tap heel in front
36Step right to place
37Left tap heel in front
38Left hitch left knee up