Something In The Water
John Dembiec (USA)
Somethin' In the Water - Jeffrey Steele
3 SHUFFLES TO THE RIGHT, ROCK STEP1&2&Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right & turn ¼ right3&4&Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward & turn ¼ left5&6Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right7-8Rock back on left, replace back to rightKICKS AND ROCK STEP (TWICE)1-2Kick left forward twice3-4Rock back on left, replace to right5-8Repeat 1-4STEP SCUFFS ROTATING ONE FULL TURN1-2Scuff left forward, step left next to right turning ¼ to right3-4Scuff right forward, step right next to left turning ¼ turn right5-8Repeat 1-4LEFT VINE, ¼ TURN SCUFF, FORWARD LOCK STEP, ¼ TURN1-2Step to left to left, step right behind left3-4Step left to left, scuff right forward with ¼ turn left5-6Step right forward, lock left behind right7-8Step right forward, step left next to right making ¼ turn rightSWIVELS AND HEEL SLAP (TWICE)1-2Swivel both heels to left, swivel both toes to left3-4Swivel both heels to left, bring right behind and up left and slap heel5-6Swivel both heels to right, swivel both toes to right7-8Swivel both heels to right, bring left behind and up right and slap heelSTEP, HEEL SLAP WITH ¼ TURN (TWICE), SIDE SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP1-2Step left forward, slap right heel behind left making ¼ turn right3-4Step right to right, slap left heel behind right making ¼ turn right5&6Step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left7-8Rock back on right, replace to leftREPEAT