Stateside Kick (P)

Malcolm Owen (UK) & Viv Owen (UK)
The Real Thing - Rick Tippe

Position Side By Side Position (Lady on Man's Right holding inside hands). Steps for Man (lady dances opposite throughout the dance, except where specified)
1-3Walk forward left, right, left
4Kick right forward
5-7Walk back right, left, right
8Turn ¼ right on right, touch left beside right
Join opposite hands
9-11Left 3 step grapevine
12Right kick forward (outside lady's leg) (lady kicks between man's legs)
13-15Right 3 step grapevine
16Left toe touch back
Holding forward hands (release others)
17-19Change places walking forward left, right, left, turn to face partner
20Right toe touch back
Rejoin opposite hands
21-22Right step forward, left leg kick forward (outside lady's leg)
Lady kicks between man's legs
23-24Left step back, right touch back
Retain hand hold walking forward to face LOD
25-28MAN: Walk across behind lady, right, left, right left touch beside right
 LADY: Walk across in front of man left, right, left, right touch beside left
29-32MAN: Left shuffle forward, right shuffle forward, (hold lady's left hand in your right, release others)
 LADY: Right shuffle, left shuffle turning towards right in a circle progressing forward to finish facing LOD
Side by side with man