Talk Of The Town

Yvonne Hammond (AUS)
Talk of the Town - John Farnham

1-8Step forward right, scuff left & clap, step forward left, scuff right & clap (repeat)
9-12Right forward & pivot ¼ turn left, cross right over left, left out to side
13-14Step left over right, tap right toe behind left 2 jump back on left foot tapping right toe behind left for 2 counts
15-18Vine right
19-22Vine left & turn ¼ turn left
23-26Right 45 degrees, right pigeon toed, right 45 degrees, right brush up
27-28Right 45 degrees, bring right back to left
29-32Left 45 degrees, left pigeon toed, left 45 degrees, left brush up
33-34Left 45 degrees, touch back with left
35-38Step forward left, step back on right. Left, right, left on the spot (cha-cha-cha)
39-42Step back on right, forward on left. Right, left, right on the spot (cha-cha-cha)
43-46Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn onto right. Left, right, left on the spot (cha-cha-cha)
47-50Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn onto left. Right, left, right on the spot (cha-cha-cha)
51-54Step forward on left, pivot ¼ turn to right, stomp left, stomp right on the spot & clap