Think Of Me
Pearl De Marco
Think of Me (When You're Lonely) - The Mavericks
CHASSE RIGHT&LEFT BACK REPLACE/ TOE STRUT1&2Step right to side, close left foot to right, step right foot side3&4Step left to side, close right foot to left, step left foot side5-6Rock back with right foot, replace weight onto left foot7-8Ball heel action forward right footTOE STRUT/ STOMP HOLD. PIVOT ¼ LEFT 2 STOMPS9-10Ball heel action forward left foot11-12Stomp right foot forward and hold13-14In position, swivel feet ¼ left and hold15-16Double stomp right footEXTENDED VINE RIGHT17-20Step right foot, left foot behind, right foot side, left foot across right21-24Right foot side, left foot behind, right foot side, step left foot sideHEEL HOOK, HEEL SLAP, ½ TURN LEFT25-26Extend right heel forward, raise right foot and hook across left27-28Extend right heel forward, raise right foot below back of left knee and slap foot with left hand29-32Step back onto right foot, pivot on right foot turning body ½ turn left with a step forward left foot, step forward right foot, close left - rightREPEAT