Too Good To Be True

Terry Hogan (AUS)
I Didn't Know - Shane Stockton

1&2Shuffle to the right side right-left-right
3-4Rock/step left foot across behind right, rock/replace weight onto right
5&6Shuffle to the left side left-right-left
7Make ½ turn right on ball of left foot & rock/step right foot to the side
8Rock sideward onto left foot
9&10Shuffle to the right side right-left-right
11-12Rock/step left foot across behind right, rock/replace weight onto right
13&14Shuffle to the left side left-right-left
15&16Triple step in place making a full turn right (right-left-right)
Easy option is to substitute a coaster step for the turn
17-18Step forward left-right
19&20Step left foot forward & towards left diagonal, step right foot forward and toward right diagonal, step left foot backward (coaster variation)
21-22Step backward right-left
23&24Step right foot backward, step left across in front of right, step right to the side
25-26Rock/step left foot forward, rock backward onto right
&Step left foot beside right
27-28Rock/step right foot forward, rock backward onto left
&Step right foot beside left
29&Step left foot forward, slide right foot forward beside left heel
30&Step left foot forward, slide right foot forward beside left heel
31Step left foot to the side
32Slide right toe to touch across behind left foot looking to the left (weight stays on left foot)