Understanding Mambo
Susanne Mose Nielsen (DK)
Peace Understanding and Love - Tamra Rosanes
THE INTRO 8 counts intro in the music. Then dance "the intro" once, and start the dance RIGHT MAMBO FORWARD - LEFT MAMBO BACK - SIDE ROCK CROSS - SIDE, TOUCH1&2Step forward on right, recover weight on left, step right next to left3&4Step back on left, recover weight on right, step left next to right5&6Step right to right, recover weight to left, cross right over left7-8Step left to left, touch right next to leftRIGHT CHASSE - BACK ROCK - LEFT CHASSE, BACK ROCK, SWAY RIGHT, LEFT9&10Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side11-12Step back on left, recover weight on right13&14Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side15-16Step back on right, recover weight on left17-18Step right to right and sway right hip to the right, recover weight on left and sway left hip to leftTHE DANCE RIGHT MAMBO FORWARD - LEFT MAMBO BACK - SIDE ROCK CROSS - SIDE, TOUCH1&2Step forward on right, recover weight on left, step right next to left3&4Step back on left, recover weight on right, step left next to right5&6Step right to right, recover weight to left, cross right over left7-8Step left to left, touch right next to left¼ RIGHT SHUFFLE - FULL TURN RIGHT - LEFT MAMBO FORWARD - RIGHT MAMBO BACK9&10Step right into ¼ turn right, step left next to right, step right forward (3:00)11-12(Moving forward) turn ½ turn right stepping back on left, turn ½ turn right stepping forward on right13&14Step forward on left, recover weight on right, step left next to right15&16Step back on right, recover weight on left, step right next to leftSWAY LEFT, RIGHT- LEFT SAILOR STEP - UNWIND ¾ RIGHT - LEFT SHUFFLE FORWARD17-18Step left to left and sway left hip to the left, recover weight onto right and sway right hip to the right19&20Step left behind right, step right to the right, step left slightly diagonal left forward21-22Touch right behind left, on ball of feet unwind ¾ ends up with weight on right (12:00) Restart from here during 4th wall23&24Step left forward, step right next to left, step forward on leftRIGHT MAMBO FORWARD - WALK BACK LEFT, RIGHT - LEFT MAMBO BACK - LEFT PIVOT TURN25&26Step forward on right, recover weight on left, step right next to left27-28Walk back left, walk back right29&30Step back on left, recover weight on right, step left next to right31-32Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left (6:00)REPEATTAG After 2nd wall and after 4th wall1-4Sway right, sway leftRESTART During 5th wall in 3rd section1-4Sway left, right5&6Left sailor step7-8Walk ¾ right on right and left