The Virginian (P)

Jo Ann Hilbish (USA)
Slow blues like music

Position: Large Circle (Mans inside & Ladies outside). Face Partner, Join right hands in "Shake Hands" Position & left hands underneath.
1-4MAN: Step right to side, touch left toe next to right. Step left to side, touch right toe next to left.
 LADY: Reverse counts 1-4 (begin on left).
5-8MAN: Step right behind left, step left to side, step right over left, step left to side.
9-12MAN: Repeat counts 5-8 (continuing to travel in LOD).
 LADY: Do same steps in 5-12 traveling in LOD, but begin by crossing left over right.
13-16MAN: Step right-left-right-left in place while lifting hands above lady's head, allowing her to turn.
 LADY: Step left-right-left-right in place while turning to the left a full turn.
17&18MAN: Shuffle right-left-right (turning to the left).
19-22MAN: Shuffle left-right-left, then right-left-right.
23&24MAN: Shuffle left-right-left (drop right hands).
 LADY: Do steps 17-24 beginning on left.
(In 8 counts couple makes 1 complete rotation)
25-32MAN: Shuffle backward (toward center) right-left-right. Shuffle backward left-right-left, then right-left-right. Shuffle forward left-right-left (ready to "shake hands" with new partner).
 LADY: Shuffle left-right-left in diagonal away from circle. Shuffle right-left-right turning left & facing direction of new partner. Shuffle left-right-left & right-left-right in diagonal toward new partner on left.