Jenny's Waltz

Jenny Rockett (UK)
I'm Movin' On - Rascal Flatts

1-2-3Left step across right, right touch next to left, right kick forward
4-5-6Right step across left, left step left, right step together
7-8-9Left step across right, right touch next to left, right kick forward
10-11-12Right step across left, left step left, right step together
For these first 12 counts you will find that your body will naturally face towards the right front corner. Try to let the steps flow, straighten up to front wall on the following weave
13-14-15Left step across right, right step right, left step behind right
16-17-18Right step long step to right, drag left towards right, touching it on 3rd count
19-20-21Left step long step to left, drag right towards left, touching it on 3rd count
22-23-24Right step across left making ¼ turn right, left step left, right step together (right twinkle ¼ turn right)
25-26-27Left step forward, right point to right, hold
28-29-30Stepping right, left, right on spot make 1¼ turn right (easy option ¼ turn right)
31-32-33Left step forward, right point to right, hold
34-35-36Stepping right, left, right on spot, make ½ turn left (reverse ½ turn twinkle)
37-38-39Left step forward, right step together, left step together
40-41-42Right step back, left step together, right step together
43-44-45Left step forward making ¼ turn left, right step together, left step together
46-47-48Right step back making ¼ turn left, left step together, right step together