Jiggy Mama
Caroline Pashley (JER)
Loaded - Ricky Martin
BOOGIE WALKS X 3, HOLD, HEEL SWIVELS ¼ TURN LEFT, HOLD1-2Step right forward swiveling right on balls of feet, step left forward swiveling left on balls of feet3-4Step right forward swiveling right on balls of feet, hold5-6Swivel heels right, left7-8Swivel heels right making ¼ turn left, holdROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, ½ TURN STEP FORWARD, FLICK, ½ TURN STEP BACK, KICK, ½ TURN STEP FORWARD FLICK9-10Rock right forward, recover weight to left11-12On ball of left ½ turn right, stepping forward right, flick left foot back (click fingers just above shoulder level)13-14On ball of right ½ turn right, stepping back left, kick right foot forward (click fingers swinging arms across chest)15-16On ball of left ½ turn right, stepping forward right, flick left foot back (click fingers swinging arms out to side just below shoulder level)ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, STEP FORWARD, FLICK, ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, STEP FORWARD, HOOK17-18Facing right diagonal rock left forward, recover weight to right19-20Step left forward, flick right foot back pivoting on ball of left to face left diagonal21-22Rock right forward, recover weight to left23-24Step right forward, hook left foot behind right legSTEP BACK, RONDE, STEP BACK, RONDE, COASTER STEP, HOLD25-26Step left back facing center, sweep right from front to back27-28Step right back, sweep left from front to back29-30Step left back, step back right31-32Step left forward, holdSTEP SIDE, TOGETHER, STEP SIDE, TOUCH, TOUCH SIDE, HIP ROLLS TWICE, LUNGE33-34Step right to right side, step left together35-36Step right to right side, touch left next to right foot37-38Touch left to left side circling hips left39-40Circle hips left finishing with weight on left foot in lunge positionJAZZ BOX ¼ TURN KICK, STEP KICK TWICE41-42Step right across left, step back left43-44Make ¼ turn right stepping forward right, kick left foot forward45-46Step left in place, kick right foot forward47-48Step right in place, kick left foot forward Make steps 45-48 light & bouncyCROSS, STEP BACK ¾ PIVOT TURN, STEP FORWARD, HOLD, HIPS X 3, HOLD49-50Step left across right, step back right making ¾ turn left on ball of right foot51-52Step left forward, hold53-54Step right to right side bumping hips right, left55-56Bump hip right, holdSTEP BACK, ½ TURN STEP FORWARD, STEP FORWARD, HOLD, JUMP FORWARD, SHIMMY/SHAKE DOWN & UP, HOLD57-58Step left back, on ball of left ½ turn right, stepping right forward59-60Step left forward, hold&61-62Jump right forward left together shimmy/shake shoulders to hips bending knees down63-64Shake/shimmy hips to shoulders coming up, holdREPEATRESTART On wall 9, dance steps 1-4647-48Step right to right side, hold Restart dance from the beginningFINISH On final wall after step 64. Step right to the right side throwing arms above your head. You will be facing 12:00 wall.