J.R. Kicker

Jean Rusch (USA)
Hangin' In - Tanya Tucker

1-4Touch right heel forward, step together; touch left heel forward, step together.
5-8Repeat (steps 1-4).
9-12Step forward right, left; kick right foot forward twice.
13-16Walk back right, left, right, stomp left (shift weight to left foot).
17-20Right vine, kick left foot forward at a slight angle to the right.
21-24Left vine, stomp right foot (keep weight on left foot).
25-28Fan toes to the right, together; fan toes to the right, together.
29-32Right box step with a ¼ turn to the right.
33-36Step forward right, left; kick right foot forward twice.
37-38Step back on right foot; step back on left foot.
39Step back onto right foot.
&40Step back onto the ball of left foot; step forward onto right foot.
41-44Right military turn (½ turn to the right); right military turn.
45-48Step left foot to the side, slide right together; step left to the side, kick right foot forward at slight angle and clap.
49-52Step right to the side, slide left together; step right to the side, kick left foot forward at slight angle and clap.
53-54Step left foot to the side; kick right foot forward at slight angle and clap.
55-56Step right foot to the side; kick left foot forward at slight angle and clap.
57-60Step left foot forward, kick right foot forward; step back on right foot, stomp left foot.