If You Love

Gordon Elliott (AUS)
If You Love Me - Scooter Lee

1-2Turn ½ turn right step right forward, turn ½ turn right step left back
3&4Turn ½ turn right shuffle forward right-left-right
5-6Step left forward, rock back onto right
7&8Turn ½ turn left shuffle forward left-right-left
1-2Turn ¼ turn left step right to the side, step left behind right
3&4Turn ¼ turn right shuffle forward right-left-right
5-6Step left forward, turn ¼ turn right rock onto right
7&8Shuffle left across in front of right left-right-left
1-2Step right to the side, side rock onto left
3-4Step right behind left, on the balls of both feet turn full turn right (full turn) to keep weight on right
5-6Step left to the side, side rock onto right
7-8Step left behind right, on the balls of both feet turn full turn left (full turn) to keep weight on left
1-2Step right forward, rock back onto left
3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right
5-6Step left forward, turn ½ turn right take weight onto right
7-8Step left forward, turn ½ turn right keep weight on left
&Hook right heel to left knee