If Your Gonna Love Me

Tara Green
Put Your Heart Into It - SherriƩ Austin

The dance starts on the word "need"
1-2Step right forward, touch left toe to left side
3-4Step left back, touch right toe back
5&6Shuffle forward right-left-right
7&8Shuffle forward left-right-left
1-2Step forward right on a 45 degrees angle push hips forward twice
3-4Push hips back twice
5-8Single hip bumps right-left-right-left
1-2Rock forward right, rock back left
3&4Triple step making a ¾ turn right (right-left-right)
5-6Full turn left-right (or step left to left side, step right together)
7&8Side shuffle left-right-left making a ¼ turn left
1-2Step forward right, pivot ¾ turn left
3&4Side shuffle right-left-right
5-6Touch left toe behind right, ½ turn left unwind
7Touch right toe to right side
&8Return right next to left & touch left to left side
&1-2Return left next to right & step right forward, rock back left
3&4Shuffle turning ½ turn right (right-left-right)
5-6Rock forward left, rock back right
7&8Left coaster step left-right-left
1-2Step forward right pushing hips forward twice
3-4Push hips back twice
5-8Single hip bump right-left-right-left
1&2Right sailor step
3&4Left sailor step
5-6Touch right toe behind left, turn ¼ turn right
7-8Rock forward right, rock back left
1&2Triple step right-left-right making ¾ turn right
3-4Rock left to left side, rock back on to right foot
5&6Triple step making ½ turn left (left-right-left)
7Rock right to right side
8Rock left to left side (end with weight on left)


At the completion of the 2nd wall, you will be facing the direction of the 3rd wall. After you complete the tag resume the dance from the start

1&2Shuffle forward right-left-right

3-4Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right
5&6Shuffle forward left-right-left
7-8Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left
1-2Right toe/heel drop
3-4Left toe/heel drop
5-6Right toe/heel drop
7-8Left toe/heel drop
End dance facing front wall with right toe back