Hillbilly Nuts
Yavon Gardner
Little Ramona - BR5-49
WALKING TWISTS, SCUFF, BRUSH, SCUFF, BRUSH, STEP1Step ball of right foot forward, slightly crossing over left foot, while twisting hips to the right&Hold2Step ball of left foot forward, slightly crossing over right foot, while twisting hips to the right&Hold3&4Continue hip twists while walking forward on balls of feet stepping right, left and right5Scuff left foot forward6Brush left foot over top of right foot7Scuff left foot back over right foot&Brush left foot back to home8Step leftSTEP, TOUCH, STEP, TOUCH, ¾ TURN, ROMP, STEP AND 1/8 TURN&Step right foot to right side slightly bending right knee9Touch left toe to left side while straightening right knee&Step left foot to left side slightly bending left knee10Touch right toe to right side while straightening left knee&Step right leg behind left and do a ¾ turn to the right11Touch left ball of left foot next to the instep of right foot&12Step left foot diagonally back then touch right heel to floor diagonally forward&13Step right in original position and touch ball of left foot next to right&14Step left foot diagonally back then touch right heel to floor diagonally forward&15Step right in original position and touch ball of left foot next to right&16Put weight on both feet and pivot 1/8 turn to the left and holdHIP ROLLS, CROSS TOE-HEEL, SIDE TOE-HEEL17Step left foot in place while rolling hips to the left&Hold18Step right foot in place while rolling hips to the right&Hold19&20Step left in place and roll hips to left, step right in place and roll hips to right, step left in place and roll hips to the left21Cross right foot over left stepping on ball of right foot22Lower right heel23Step ball of left foot to left side24Lower left heelTWISTS, HEEL, HITCH, HEEL, STEP25Twist right26Twist left27Twist right28Twist left29Touch left heel forward30Hitch left knee31Touch left heel forward32Step left foot homeTWISTS, SCUFF-JUMP, STEP, HOP-HOP-HOP33Twist right34Twist left35Twist right36Twist left37Scuff right heel forward while jumping up&Land in place on right foot38Step left foot in place30&40Hop to the right with both feet together three timesREPEAT