Head Over Heels

Tessa Lane (UK)
Whenever, Wherever - Shakira

Sequence: AB, AB, Tag, AB, AB, A, Tag, AAB

1-2Rock back on right foot, recover weight onto left
3&4Forward shuffle (right-left-right)
5-6Rock forward on left foot, recover weight onto right
7&8Backward shuffle (left-right-left)
9-10Rock right foot out to side, recover weight onto left foot
11&12Cross shuffle (right-left-right)
13-14Rock left foot out to side, recover weight onto right foot making ¼ turn to the right
15&16¾ turn shuffle left-right-left
&17&18Step to right with right foot, present left heel to left side (keep weight on right), step weight onto left foot and cross right foot in front of left (weight on right)
&19-20Step left foot to left side, point right toe to right side, bring right leg in so knee is slightly across body
21&22¼ turn shuffle right-left-right
23-24Pivot half turn (left-right)
&25&26Step to left with left foot, present right heel to right side (keep weight on left), step weight onto right foot and cross left foot in front of right (weight on left)
&27-28Step right foot to right side, point left toe to left side, bring left leg in so knee is slightly across body
29&20¼ turn shuffle, left-right-left
23-24Pivot half turn (right-left)

1&2Diagonal forward shuffle towards right hand corner (right-left-right)
3-4Rock forward on left foot, recover weight onto right
5&6Half turn shuffle into opposite corner (left-right-left)
7-8Bring right foot across and make a ¾ turn (again facing diagonal)
9&10Forward shuffle towards corner (right-left-right)
11-12Rock forward on left foot, recover weight onto right
13&14Half turn shuffle into opposite corner (left-right-left)
15-16Bring right foot across and make just over a ¾ turn (so facing flat wall not diagonal)

1&2Rock right foot in front of left, rock left foot out to side, replace weigh on right foot
3&4Rock left foot in front of right, rock right foot out to side, replace weight on left foot