Get A Thrill
Sally Sims (UK)
Still Get A Thrill - Wylie And The Wild West Show
SHUFFLE RIGHT/LEFT/RIGHT, SHUFFLE LEFT/RIGHT/LEFT, RIGHT HALF PIVOT TURN, WALK/WALK1&2Shuffle forward right-left-right3&4Shuffle forward left-right-left5-8Step forward with right, step forward on left, half pivot turn right on ball of left foot, walk forward on right, walk forward on left9-16Repeat steps 1-8 facing other wall (finishing in original position)RIGHT ROCK STEP, "CELTIC PICK-UP STEP", FORWARD LUNGE, "BROADWAY" POSE1-2Rock forward on right, rock back on left3&4Tap right toe behind, hop on left (moving slightly backwards), step down on right5-6Lunge forward on left leaning forward & placing both hands on heart, hold&7-8Step back on left as you lift right foot off floor a little, step back on right extending left arm diagonally downwards and right arm diagonally upwards (like you have just finished a performance on Broadway!), holdSIDE SHUFFLES & ROCK STEP, MODIFIED VINE WITH "SPIN TURN" & JACK1&2Shuffle right-left-right to right side3-4Rock back on left, rock forward on right5&6Shuffle left-right-left to left side7-8Rock back on right, rock forward on left9-12Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right making ¼ turn to right, step forward on left13-14"Spin turn" right (on ball of left foot) a full turn, tap right toe beside left15-16Jump both feet apart, jump both feet togetherSTROLL RIGHT, "DRIVE ME CRAZY" SIDE ROCK, CROSS/HOLD, ¼ UNWIND CROSS JACKS, ½ UNWIND1-4Step right to right, hold, cross left over right, hold5-8Step right to right, rock to left on left, cross right over left, hold9-10Unwind ¼ turn (on balls of both feet)11-12Jump both feet in, crossing right behind left, hold13-14Jump both feet apart, jump both feet in, crossing right over left15-16Unwind making ½ turn left to face other wall On counts 3-4, hold both hands up near to side of head, palms forward, and shake hands like you are going crazy!SLOW SYNCOPATED SIDE TOUCHES, FORWARD LUNGE & "BROADWAY" POSE1-2Touch left toe to left side, hold&3-4Step left beside right, touch right toe to right side, hold&5-6Step right beside left, lunge forward on left extending left arm diagonally downwards and right arm diagonally upwards (like you have just finished a performance on Broadway!), hold7-8Continue to hold the Broadway pose! Option: double time syncopated side touches if you wishREPEAT In its full form, the base dance for competition purposes evolved into a 128-count, phrased line dance, with a choreographed intro, a finale, plus variations and enhancements for competition. In order to satisfy the many requests we have received from dancers of all levels who wish to learn the steps, we have decided to release two versions. The first (this one), is a 64-count, intermediate dance called "Get A Thrill". Since the song by Wylie and the Wild West has a uniform structure, you still hit all the breaks as originally choreographed. The second version, called "Get Another Thrill" is the complete 128-count dance, that fits perfectly to the music. A separate step sheet is available for this version. "I Still Get A Thrill" is fast, so you are advised to use two, progressive, learning tracks before tackling the real thing.