Rick Bates (USA) & Deborah Bates (USA)
Stampede Strut - Rick Tippe
SYNCOPATED JUMP BACK, HOLD, HEEL TAPS, WALKING KNEE POPS, SYNCOPATED CLAPS&1-2Jump back onto right foot; jump back onto left foot next to right; hold3-4With feet in place tap heels of both feet twice5-6Step forward onto ball of right foot bending knee slightly forward; lower right heel and straighten right knee while stepping forward onto ball of left foot bending knee slightly forward7&8Lower left heel and straighten left knee while stepping forward onto ball of right foot bending knee slightly forward; hold and clap hands twiceTURNING KNEE POP, HOLD, WALKING KNEE POP, HOLD, SYNCOPATED DIAGONAL CROSS STEPS, HOLDS9-10Step a ¼ turn to the left (to the left) onto ball of left foot bending knee slightly forward while straightening right knee; hold11-12Lower left heel and straighten left knee while stepping forward onto ball of right foot bending knee slightly forward; hold&13-14Step back and diagonally to the left on left foot; cross right foot over left and step; hold&15-16Step back and diagonally to the left on left foot; cross right foot over left and step; holdSIDE PUSH STEP, CROSS, HOLD, SQUAT, UNWIND17-18Step to the left on ball of left foot; push off of left foot and rock onto right foot in place19-20Cross left foot over right and step; hold Place arms out to sides at waist level, palms facing down for counts 21-2221-22With legs crossed, bend knees and lower body; straighten knees and stand upright23-24Unwind ½ turn to the right on these two beatsTOE TOUCH, CROSS, UNWIND, DIAGONAL PUSH STEPS25-26Touch right toe to the right; cross right foot over left Option: For high energy dancers replace counts 25-26 with the following25Jump feet about shoulder width apart26Jump and cross right foot over left27-28Unwind ¾ turn to the left on these two counts29&30Step back and diagonally to the right on right foot; push off of right foot and rock onto left foot in place; step right foot next to left31&32Step back and diagonally to the left on left foot; push off of left foot and rock onto right foot in place; step left foot next to rightREPEAT