Donna Wasnick (USA)
Boogie Till the Cows Come Home - Clay Walker
TOUCH STEPS1Tap right toe next to left foot2Step right heel down3Tap left toe next to right foot4Step left heel down 5Tap right toe to right side6Step right foot next to left7Tap left toe to left side8Step left foot next to rightSTEP AND SNAP TO RIGHT9Step right foot to right side and swing hands out to right side10Hold foot position and snap fingers down to right side11Hook left toe behind right foot and swing hands out to left side12Step down on left heel and snap fingers down to left side 13-16Repeat steps 9-12TOE-HEEL-FAN-CLAP17Turning right knee inward, touch right toe next to left18Step right heel down19Fan right toe to right at an angle, body follows20Hold and clap 21Turning left knee inward, touch left toe next to right22Step left heel down23Fan left toe to left at an angle, body follows24Hold and clapTHREE-QUARTER TURN25Cross right foot in front of left26Begin ¾ turn to left on ball of left foot27Complete ¾ turn to left, sink heels down with feet next to each other28Hold one beatBOOGIE DOWN & BOOGIE UP29-30Boogie down: twist heels and hips left, right31-32Boogie up: twist heels and hips left, centerREPEAT