Cloud Nine

Chris Watson (AUS)

1-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, raise left heel behind right knee & slap with right hand
5-8Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, raise right heel behind right knee & slap with left hand
9-12Touch right heel forward, hold, touch right heel back, hold
13-16Touch right heel, toe, heel, toe
17-20Right shuffle right, left, right, step forward on left & turn ½ turn right
21-24Left shuffle left, right, left, step forward on right & turn ¼ turn left
25-28Right shuffle right, left, right, step forward on left & turn ½ turn right
29-32Left shuffle left, right, left, step forward on right & turn ½ turn left
33-36Step right foot out at slight angle, step left foot out at slight angle, step right foot back into place, step left foot back into place
37-40Step right foot out at slight angle, step left foot out at slight angle, step right foot back into place, step left foot back into place
41-48Step right foot out at slight angle, hold, step left foot out at slight angle, hold, step right foot back into place, hold, step left foot back into place, hold
49-52Tap right toe to front, side, back, together