Charley's Pride

Sam Gretton (UK) & Pat Gretton (UK)

Position: Done in the Sweetheart Position. Partners travel clockwise around the Dance Floor.
1-2Touch right heel forward, step right next to left.
3-4Touch left heel forward, touch left next to right.
5-6Step left forward, slide right up to left.
7-8Step left forward, touch right next to left.
9-12Grapevine right with a full turn to the right (release left & raise right hands), touch left next to right.
13-14Step left forward, (rejoin left hands & raise left arms over lady's head) pivot ½ turn to right (lower left hands to waist level, now facing RLOD).
15-20Shuffle forward left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left.
21-24Grapevine right, hitch left.
25-28Step down on left, hitch right making ¼ turn to left, step down on right, hitch left making ¼ turn to left
Raise both arms, Lady Turns under left arm & returns to Sweetheart Position, both facing LOD.
29-30Step left to left side, cross right behind left.
31-32Step left to left side, cross right over in front of left.
33-34Cross left over in front of right, step right to right side.
35-36Cross left behind right, step right next to left.
37-38Step left forward, slide right up to left.
39-40Step left forward, scuff right forward.
41-48Shuffle forward right-left-right, left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left.